Facilitator Training 1: The Science of Belonging & Behavior
Learn about barriers to belonging–how to recognize them and prevent them from influencing behavior—as well as practical strategies for interrupting microaggressions without causing conflict. We’ll tackle dealing with inappropriate jokes, when it’s appropriate to call out someone who is behaving in a bigoted manner, and how to recognize and respond to defensiveness–the number one barrier to a healthy environment.
This course also explains why traditional workplace training doesn’t work. We’ll provide techniques backed by science and evidence that can move your organization toward progress.
Whether you’re a working professional interested in fairness within your organization, a supervisor who wants to build culturally competent teams, an executive looking for communication solutions that accomplish measurable, practical goals, or an individual hoping to activate your allyship and to improve your personal relationships, this course is for you.
Register for Facilitator Training Level 1
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SPECIAL: Register for Facilitator Training 1 & 2
This form is for a special discount. Participants must register for Facilitator Training Levels 1 & 2 together with a code from the newsletter. Level 1 is a prerequisite for Level 2. Please complete all required fields. For shipping, please use the address where you wish your materials for the course to be sent.

Facilitator Training 2: Difficult Conversations
Level 2 helps hone the conversational and communication skills of all participants, offering specific, targeted strategies to improve discussions about difference. We will talk about using de-programming techniques designed by clinical psychologists to get around the defensiveness others feel when the subject of justice is raised and how to look for changes in body language when conversing with others.
We’ll learn how to handle conflict and disagreement in a healthy, productive way and how to apologize when you’ve made a mistake.
Register for Facilitator Training Level 2
SPECIAL: Register for Facilitator Training 2 & 3
This form is for a special discount. Participants must register for Facilitator Training Levels 2 & 3 together with a code from the newsletter. Level 1 is a prerequisite for Level 2. Please complete all required fields. For shipping, please use the address where you wish your materials for the course to be sent.

Facilitator Training 3: Collaboration & Fairness
Level 3 addresses the many psychological safety issues that may arise in workplaces and other organizations, focusing particularly on teamwork. This course teaches you how to hold truly collaborative meetings, how to identify problematic aspects of fairness, and how to change the culture, no matter how ingrained it seems.
Participants will also learn practical strategies for problem-solving and avoiding group think. They will learn how to lead exercises designed to reveal the unspoken issues that may be hampering an organization’s progress and grapple with those issues without escalating into conflict or anger.
Register for Facilitator Training Level 3
Facilitator Training Levels 1 and 2 are prerequisites for Level 3. For shipping, please use the address where you wish your materials for the course to be sent.

Facilitator Training 4: A Sustainable Culture of Belonging
Level 4 is the final course for those who may be called upon to lead conversations about workplace culture issues, in large or small groups. Participants will walk through a facilitation step-by-step, with opportunities to practice through role play, and create their own checklist for use when preparing a facilitation.
We will also talk about how to create an effective workplace belonging committee and promote justice literacy within organizations. To make the work sustainable, this course will also dig into issues of burnout and compassion fatigue, offering exercises to protect yourself and others from exhaustion.
Pricing and schedule
Each course level is $850 per participant.
Registration for Level 1 includes a printed workbook, dozens of downloadable exercises, worksheets, and research articles, along with copies of two books: Race Talk by Derald Wing Sue and Speaking of Race by Celeste Headlee. Levels 2-4 also include a copy of a textbook for use with the instruction.